Frequently Asked Questions
You can make an enquiry either via email, booking form or by calling the office. The office hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. We will promptly respond to any enquiries so please state your preferred form of contact (email or phone). Once contact is made by our friendly office staff, we will briefly discuss your presenting concerns.
We do our best to ascertain your current needs or those of your family member/s and then suggest a Clinician that may best meet those. We will also enquire what days and times suit you and aim to accommodate these. Some of our team only work specific days and hours so we will let you know these if you have a Clinician in mind, you specifically want to see.
An initial assessment is a 55-minute session focusing on establishing an understanding of your current difficulties with a view to establishing shared goals for therapy.
Early in therapy a treatment plan will be discussed with you outlining the therapeutic approach and an indication of the number of sessions you may need. Therapy is a collaborative process where the therapist will review therapy regularly to ensure goals are being achieved. Therapy sessions are 55 minutes and can be booked either weekly, fortnightly or when needed.
If we receive a referral through this programme, we will make contact with you to book your sessions in. These sessions are free of charge.
Building a relationship with your therapist where you feel respected, valued and understood is important. It takes time to build trust. Establishing clear goals, you want to work on and an understanding that working toward these goals requires not only regular attendance at sessions but also practicing what you are learning outside of sessions. We will help you with suggesting what to practice as this is directly relevant to what you are learning in therapy. We understand that at times therapy can be challenging and we do our best to help you overcome obstacles you face along the way.
The length of therapy varies depending on individual/couple or family needs and this will be discussed with you. Therapy may be short-term (3-6 sessions) or longer term (12+).
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In our team, we have a diverse group of skilled professionals, including clinical psychologists, counselling psychologists, psychologists, counselors, family therapists, occupational therapists, language therapists, and nurse practitioners. Every individual on our team is a specialist in their respective domains, holding registration with the appropriate licensing authorities and equipped with extensive training in their areas of expertise.
Your privacy will be respected and any information you provide us will be treated as confidential. Any notes will be kept in a secure location and viewed only by your therapist. Exceptions to this would arise only if your therapist considers that certain information needs to be disclosed to protect yourself or others from serious harm.
Communication with your doctor – Your therapist will discuss with you whether or not you consent to them having communication with your doctor to provide the relevant details of the issues you have presented with; the methods being used in working with you and outcomes. You will need to sign a consent form to indicate you give your consent for this communication. When referred under the CCM/Wellness Programme there will be some communication with your doctor, and this will be discussed at time of consultation.
The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights sets out ten rights that you have as a health consumer which must be followed by anyone providing any sort of health or disability service. You can view them here.
The Psychology Group is committed to providing a safe and reliable healthcare service to visitors, that respects this Code and that of patient privacy.
If you feel that you have not been treated fairly or appropriately by one of our Clinicians please contact our Practice Manager in the first instance on 09 535 6624 or email hello@tpgroup.co.nz. If you would like to make a formal complaint you can do so by following the steps set out by the Health and Disability Commission here.
You can find a copy of The Psychology Group’s Complaints Policy here
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