Dr Jamie Kampen


Tena koutou katoa
Ko Wai au
Ko Pirongia te maunga
Ko Waipa te awa
Ko Whatawhata te rohe
Ko Jamie Kampen toku ingoa
No reira tena koutou tena koutou, tena tatou katoa.

Jamie is a registered clinical psychologist, and passionate about working with people to build a life worth living in line with their values.  Jamie has extensive experience in secondary mental health services working with adults and adolescents with complex mental health presentations, as well as the care and protection space.  She is trained in multiple therapeutic models, and predominantly works from a dialectical behaviour therapy framework.  Jamie recently completed three year mahi Wairua practice with Tohunga Wiremu Nia Nia and Kōkā Lesley Nia Nia.

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